Monday, January 5, 2009

Crossdressing for free

My desires to crossdress are usually accompanied by urges to go shopping. Whether online, or out to a brick-and-mortar, I'm always looking to buy and wear something new. I have read on a forum that there are two very common traits crossdressers share. It was said that one is abnormally high intelligence, and the other is a propensity for collecting. Of interest in this blog is the tendencies to stockpile things... any things... makeup, baseball cards, car parts, women's shoes, DVD movies, junk... the list goes on. If this trend is true, then one thing that goes against the crossdresser's nature, but is everpresent in this lifestyle is purging. I'm so glad I've only purged once.

Purging, for anyone who does not know, is the discarding, or throwing away of one's CD wardrobe. The one time I did it, it was out of guilt, and from feelings that CDing was destroying my relationship with my girlfriend. I drove to a few different locations in the town where I lived where I knew there were dumpsters, and being paranoid about throwing away boxes of women's clothing, threw away only a couple boxes at a time. When I came to my senses and realized that I really didn't want to get rid of it all, it was too late, most of my stuff was in dumpsters scattered about the city. Except for a few that survived because I'd planned to throw them away in my own garbage can. I was sure at that point I would never purge again.

As most are experiencing financially tough times, so suffers the growth of my wardrobe. It's just as well, I have run out of room in my closet anyway. The majority of my wardrobe is stored about 20 minutes away from where I live, and usually all I keep is in a gym bag in the trunk of my car. Periodically I will visit the storage spot to change out clothes to suit the season, the weather, or my mood. Today I went there not to change out for other clothes, but to add to what I already had. That's when I thought about how thankful I am for not having purged again, and that I have a decent wardrobe with enough outfits to not to have to go out shopping for what I felt like wearing. It's cold here in the Bay Area, and I wanted to wear more pants and sweaters. This time, I didn't have to go to a store to buy what I felt like wearing (although I was sad not to satisfy my thirst for collecting), and at least for this trip to storage, didn't have to stop at the mall or any other shops on the way home. At least for this trip, I was able to crossdress for free.


  1. I felt the same way when I had threw out a lot of my clothes awhile back. I regretted it to this day.

  2. I have the same feelings for shopping new clothes and shoes, collect them and once a while having headache if I should or should not get rid of something. There were a days when I throw away everything but then i start collecting again

    Rita CD
